I received this question from a family member. "What should a child (senior), still in high school curfew be? Boys/Girls." This question is kind of hard for me because I don't have a high school age child yet, or even middle school. I look up to those parents that have made it that far! I will tell you what I think and hope other women chime in on this blog or facebook.
Let me think back to when I was a senior. I really didn't have a curfew because I didn't hang out late. I had a job, I was into track & field, I had a new boyfriend who I spent all my time with, and I was concentrating on getting out of my household going to college. My mom was cool with me at that age but also very aware of what a 17 year girl might be desiring to do, so she did talk to me often about what's going on. I was also the type of teen that didn't sneak around. If I was going some where I would tell her and maybe that's why she trusted me.
When a child is a high school senior (age 17/18), they think they are soooooo grown and you can't tell them anything! They also think they probably don't need a curfew, but as a parent there still needs to be rules and respect for the household. They are still students and not grown yet. I think a school night 9pm/10pm and that is being lenient, mainly because school is their JOB and unless it's a work/school event why would they be out past 9pm on a regular basis through the week anyway? The weekend, 12pm/1am. I guess I am just scary. It's alot of things going on out there now and unless it's a particular event or they are at a friends house (that I approve of) then why would you be out that late just because you can. I have a friend who grandmother says, "Ain't nothing open at 2am but some legs!" Funny saying.....but it makes you think. Again, I am growing with motherhood thing and welcome your thoughts. As would the mother that wrote the question.
I have high school seniors right now. They dont really go out during the week. they are into cheerleading and have the responsibility of being in the choir. I allow them to be out until 12:30 on the weekends. I trust them, but dont put nothing past them. Here lately they have been coming in before cufew and they are good kids. I think 12:30 is a good time
I don't have anymore kids in high school but when my sons was in school their curfew through the week was 12:00. They never really went out during the week and if they did they was back in the house before curfew.
If the child is not a working child and just want to hangout with friends I would say 10:00 pm, but if the child has a job working I would say 11:30 no later than that even on the weekends.
Each child is different base on their maturity but my husband says 1030 cause too much going on nows days but I say for a girl yes but a boy an hour later are we talking in general or prom night it can depend on if they work and how responsible they are but there is not a lot going on after ten but trouble we as parents know when was the hour we got in trouble keep it in mind when setting curfew
I have a Junior in high school yes she has a curfew and she will still have one as a Senior. We pretty much drop her off and pick her up so she is always at home by 11. That's the curfew anyways for where I live it.
Well, I have gone through the high school years and the college years. Like you, I did not have a curfew because I just had sense enough to know what time to come home. However, my brother had a curfew. For my daughter, she didn't do much after school so she was at home once she came home from school. On the weekend, her curfew was 12am but it also dependent on the event. Since I could not really trust her, she pretty much never went out and when she did, we took her and brought her back. I think that they are still kids and they need rules. They can enjoy being on their own time when they are in college. When they are under your roof, it is your responsibility to make decisions about when they can come home into your house. With me, I also had to consider that I had younger kids who could be disturbed by her coming home at unreasonable times. Like the other comment, alot depends on the maturity of the child and how responsible they are...it is basically your decision and if they don't like it, too bad because you pay the bills. This world is cruel and bad things are just happening more and more...
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