Friday, October 14, 2011

Black Swan Wine Contest: VOTE FOR ME!!

Click the link to VOTE for me

Back in June, I went to a Fashion Swap hosted by the Swapaholics, sponsored by Black Swan Wine. It was actually at the Atlanta Zoo. The event was great too. I actually saw the Swapaholics on Dateline in November 2010 and started doing my own fashion swaps after that! We (Teresa & I) call ourselves the Swap-Tastics!

Before the night was over, a represenative from Black Swan told me to enter the competition by taking a picture of myself in a something I got at this swap! I was like, "I can do that!" I went home and made my hubby snap 1 million (ok exaggerating) pictures and submitted this one! And just last week, I get a call that I am finalist!! I was shock and SUPER excited. I thought of the famous line, "It's a honor just being nominated!" But the truth is, I want to win. So can you please support me and vote for me. The contest end on 10/31/11 and it's a great grand prize. Cash & a trip to Boston to do MORE SWAP SHOPPING!

Thanks for your support!! Please share the link with your friends and facebook!